Thursday, December 12, 2013

My School Day's Drawings

A girl from the hills : My School Days Drawings

A Newar Woman Fills Up A Smoking Pot Made Of Clay For Her Father-In-Law: My School Days Drawings

A scene from a village Copied From "Naya Goreto", A Manual bookDeveloped to Educate Old People in Informal Education : My School Days Drawings 

William Shakespeare : Drawing from an English literature Book 

Hanuman, The Monkey God in front of Ram Mandir at BattishPutali :My School Days Drawings

North Eastern View From My Home At Maitidevi, Ram Mandir Temple at Battisputali can be seen in the background : My School Days Drawings

Gonzalo, Peru, Leader of Shining Path in prison.

Stone Scriptures in Ram Mandir Temple at Battisputali

Janus Faced : A drawing from a German Film Festival Magazine : My School Days Drawings

The begger countess : A drawing from a German Film Festival Magazine : My School Days Drawings
An illustration for the Hindi Magazine Manohar Kahaniyan : My School Days Drawings

An illustration for the Hindi Magazine Manohar Kahaniyan : My School Days Drawings

Albert Einstein portrait in cover page of American Physical Society Journal : My School Days Drawings

A scene from a village Copied From "Naya Goreto"A Manual bookDeveloped to Educate Old People in Informal Education :My School Days Drawings 

A scene from a village Copied From "Naya Goreto"A Manual bookDeveloped to Educate Old People in Informal Education :My School Days Drawings 

A scene from a village Copied From "Naya Goreto"A Manual bookDeveloped to Educate Old People in Informal Education :My School Days Drawings 

A scene from a village Copied From "Naya Goreto"A Manual bookDeveloped to Educate Old People in Informal Education :My School Days Drawings 

A scene from a village Copied From "Naya Goreto"A Manual bookDeveloped to Educate Old People in Informal Education :My School Days Drawings 

A scene from a village Copied From "Naya Goreto"A Manual bookDeveloped to Educate Old People in Informal Education :My School Days Drawings 

A scene from a village Copied From "Naya Goreto"A Manual bookDeveloped to Educate Old People in Informal Education :My School Days Drawings 

A scene from a village Copied From "Naya Goreto"A Manual bookDeveloped to Educate Old People in Informal Education :My School Days Drawings 

An illustration in the story book of Anton Chekhov "A lady with a dog"

Shouthern view from my home at Maitidevi, Rooftop Antennas to capture Hindi Doordarsan Seriel Mahabharat are popular those days.
Cartoon Drawing Practicing

Cartoon Drawing Practicing : Some famous figures - Ganesh Man, Krishna Prasad, Girija Prasad and Man Mohan

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